Primary One and Two

The lower primary years are critical in building a strong foundation in academic and discipline to prepare well for the challenges in Upper primary years.

Challenges Faced By Students


Students face difficulty in understanding Mathematics concepts

Your child may struggle to understand and apply the concepts despite being taught in schools. Students are transitioning from kindergarten to primary level and they may find it difficult to get used to the curriculum. Your child may not be able to comprehend the mathematical concepts being introduced at them now.

Students often make careless mistakes

Your child may find themselves making the same careless mistakes due to inadequate understanding of the subject.

Students do not know how to answer the questions accurately

Your child may find it challenging to understand what different questions are asking for and as such, they lack the techniques and skills to apply the concepts effectively.

Programme Outlines


Primary One

As your child is introduced to subject-based learning in their primary years, our programme is structured to help them transit smoothly from their kindergarten days. This is achieved by incorporating fun elements to build their confidence and interest in the subject.


Primary Two

Our Primary 2 programme is designed with hands on experiences to further strengthen the groundwork laid out in Primary one to help them meet their potential, making concepts easy to comprehend and equipping them with the skillsets needed in the Primary syllabus.