Primary Five and Six

Providing upper primary students the support and guidance to thrive in their learning environment leading up to the final examinations.

Challenges Faced By Students

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Students may find that there are too many concepts to learn but too little time.

As students progress to upper primary, new concepts will be tested and the length of examinations is increased. It becomes increasingly difficult to grasp concepts and apply them successfully. Students taking the PSLE may even find it overwhelming with the increase in workload and stress.

Students often make careless mistakes.

Students may find themselves making the same careless mistakes due to the lack of understanding of the subject in their foundation years. This becomes too overwhelming to cope with the increased demands of the curriculum.

Students lose the confidence and belief in themselves to do well.

Students find themselves struggling to keep up with the expectations set by teachers, parents and even themselves. This is due to the sudden transition from lower primary to upper primary and they may even find that it is not as easy to excel in their best subjects as before. Students need extra patience and guidance during this period leading up to their final examinations.

Primary Five

Our Primary 5 programme focuses on transiting our students smoothly to handle the rigorous curriculum before the final examinations. Students will be guided and equipped with the essential skills to prepare for their examinations.


P5 Mathematics


P5 Science


Primary Six

Our Primary 6 programme is designed to prepare students in the final lap leading up to PSLE. As it will be a stressful journey for most students, we strive to ensure each student is equipped with the right skills to boost their confidence through intensive revision and practice.


P6 Mathematics


P6 Science
