Upper Secondary

Aiming to stretch your child’s learning journey to its fullest potential as they prepare for their crucial examinations in the upper secondary years.

Challenges Faced By Students

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Getting used to the added workload, stress and expectations.

Students may find themselves struggling with increased topics as questions become more challenging and require much more deeper level thinking as compared to before. Students are not able to just do well if they memorise their notes and this makes them even more stressed as they feel that they are no longer able to produce results despite studying the right materials.

Students struggle to understand and answer questions despite concepts being taught.

Students are introduced more in depth concepts that require a lot of guidance, clear explanations and examples in order for students to apply them effectively in examinations. Students tend to be frustrated and lose confidence in their abilities when they find that they are not able to excel as well as in lower secondary years with the same amount of time and effort put into their work.

Secondary Three

Our Secondary 3 programme will brush up on foundation skills learnt in their lower sec years, while tackling new challenging topics that will be tested in their final examinations. The right techniques to answer variety of questions will be emphasised to better prepare students for higher level questions.


Sec 3E/A Mathematics

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Secondary Four/Five

Our Secondary 4 and 5 programme aims to prepare your child for the final examinations. Intensive revisions and more examination based questions will be given to ensure that each child is stretched to his/her fullest potential. This helps to boost their confidence to do well.


Sec 4 or 5 E/A Mathematics

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