The Collective Knowledge The Collective Knowledge

Learn Math with Us! Solve Word Problems Using Unchanged Models

Model drawing has been taught in schools as it has shown to help students visualise word problems and understand them better. Model drawing has also aided many students in solving complex word problems that would otherwise have been even more time-c…

Model drawing has been taught in schools as it has shown to help students visualise word problems and understand them better. Model drawing has also aided many students in solving complex word problems that would otherwise have been even more time-consuming without constructing models.

One of the commonly seen heuristic skills is solving word problems using Total Unchanged Models.

Here are some examples that represent this heuristic skill.

Copy of Copy of PRIMARy math.png
Copy of Copy of PRIMARy math (1).png
Copy of Copy of Copy of PRIMARy math.png
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The Collective Knowledge The Collective Knowledge

What do students think of 2020?

It all begins with an idea.

The long awaited holidays are here! How different has 2020 been for our kids? What activities should we plan for them? How do they actually want to spend their holiday?

Holidays are a special time of the year that bring together our loved ones to celebrate and spend quality time. This is the best time to remind ourselves what holidays are really about. As such, we asked 6 kids about their 2020 experience and here’s what they have to say!

SCHOOL’S OUT, WHAT’S UP is the first part of a series where we speak to kids and youth to find out what’s on their mind.

Share with us your thoughts on how we should make the most of the school holidays for our kids! Just tag us at @thecollectiveknowledge on Facebook & Instagram!

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